Product Moretti Forni PM 60.60 Electric pizza oven 4.2 kW
Code PM 60.60
Dimension 850 x 921 x 481 mm
Manufactured Italy
Price(10% VAT not included) 49,000,000 ₫

The iDeck line is characterized by intelligent products that are remarkably easy to use, with an excellent quality/price ratio, dynamic design and full functionality. All models are made of stainless steel and are equipped with door with single handrail for easy grip. The cooktop is refractory. The maximum operating temperature is 450° C: a characteristic that makes iDeck ovens unique in their category.

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Power 4.2 kW
Voltage 400V / 50Hz
Dimension 850 x 921 x 481 mm
Capacity 4 x pizza ɸ300mm
80 Kg