Product Nayati NEBM 4-60 AM Electric Bain Marie (3Kw)
Code NEBM 4-60 AM
Dimension 380 x 600 x 260 mm
Brand NAYATI / Indonesia
Manufactured Indonesia
Price(10% VAT not included) 13,900,000 ₫

Electric Bain Marie with 3Kw power rate. Water temperature maintained by thermostat with maximum working temperature of 100°C.

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Power 3Kw
Voltage 230 V / 1Ph / 50-60 Hz
Dimension 380 x 600 x 260 mm
Cooking Surface 310 x 510 mm
Working Temperature
30°C - 100°C
Weight 14 Kg


Amicus Electric Bain Marie with 1 x GN 1/1 Capacity. Perfect portable warming appliance for mobile solutions. Wet warming system to avoid dry food effect. Equipped with external heating system for prolonged component life. Unit can be installed free standing table top, on open cabinet or similar elements, cantilever, or solid block solutions. Featuring rear seamless fitting to Amicus family.